The Grand Mamo Sewkukuy (Norberto Torres) -a 90 yr. old Arhuaco elder) is recognized by the indigenous people in The Heart of the World; the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia, as the "Spiritual Geographer" of all of the Sierra. Mamo Norberto and the elders of the Kogi, Arhuaco, and Wiwas of the Sierra have requested our help to fulfill their journey in January 2010 the 54 sacred sights along the Linia Negra. An energetic boundary surrounding the Heart of the World, where each of the sacred sights are to be found. According to their Law of Origin, The Heart of the World where Mt. Gonawindua in the center of the Sierra is the place where "All thoughts originate" As caretakers of the Heart of the World, they realize how crucial this journey is for the preservation of not only their traditions and culture, but to sustain the knowledge of where each sight is, their significance and the specific elements to be used for the purpose of "harmonizing and healing the earth and all of humanity" Due to Mamo Norberto's advanced age, we experience a sense of urgency that the journey be fulfilled, so that his knowledge be passed on to future generations.
My self and Rick Harlow who in the past 23 years has lived and worked with indigenous peoples in Colombia, have agreed with the elder mamos "traditional authorities" of the Koquis, Arhuacos, and Wiwas to form "The Elders Project" for the purpose of raising necessary funds to realize this historic journey.
To help the mother earth, future generations and an ancient culture survive, please join us in supporting Mamo Sewkukuy and the people of the Sierra.
By sending your donation of any amount, made payable to "The Elders Project"
to EarthAction attn: The Elders Project -
P.O. Box 63,
Amherst, MA 01004
for more information go to - click "elders project" - click"news" - click "photos"
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Message from the Kogi, Dali Lama & Barbara Threecrow
">This past wed. I went to sit in the presence of his Holiness the Dali Lama. Of course I along with two thousand people held an intention of “receiving” something that would be uplifting, to not only experience his blessings given through his presence, but to bask in his imminent wisdom; the oracle’s message which hopefully contained answers to all our problems our questions and mostly a desperate need, to “once again” experience HOPE against the ever growing dilemma and despair humanity has created.
My own inner wish and selfish needs were not fulfilled perhaps others had received what they had come to experience. I can not speak for them. I did receive clarity and insight and validation from the Dali Lama’s dialog that there is no longer available a “fix” to be given, a message that would sooth us so that we could continue “believing” that we had done a good job, a good deed that we have done and are doing all that we possibly can, and continue on our way, a temporary fix after all. Being in his presence was a reminder again of his dedication commitment and grace I am grateful for his reminder spoken in his opening words as he described all that he has lost in his life, and said how he still remains peaceful within.
My observation was that he seemed weary, my perception was that he was no longer going to “fix us” that in fact what I received through the words he spoke was that “we are not listening, have not been listening and that we just don’t get it. This is not something new after all there have been many Indigenous elders who have been telling us for many years now of the prophecies, of imminent disasters which we have seen now more than ever, and that we must take responsibility that we can no longer accept or dare to allow the status quo but that we have reached, maybe even surpassed the crucial point of no return.
His Holiness spoke of Ethics, of compassion, forgiveness inner peace and once again “love” which I refer to as “the heart path” or living life through the sacredness the spiritual essence of what the heart represents. His Holiness talked about human’s concerns in regards to money, economy; personal gain/greed. I realized as he was speaking of these things, that that which we are obsessed with creates the disease of fear. And have nothing to do with the truth of what will bring us inner peace. Which is something so significant yet overlooked in our world today and that is spirituality; a daily practice and consciousness of the sacredness in all of humanity, the mother earth and all creatures. The relationship with each of these that is up to us to seek out, to gain, sustain and maintain daily in order to experience inner peace and well being, of body, mind and spirit.
In other words, we are focused and obsessed upon that which only fuels our fears and doubt and a sense of hopelessness. Faith, which is deepened and strengthened is realized through spirituality, through our relationship to the sacred in all things, most of all Faith brings hope. His Holiness spoke of the young people and the education system and how the system needs to be revised to include teachings in relation to the spiritual. That our young people are missing this crucial information,as we see how education is based on personal gain/greed and striving to become a better consumer, which eliminates crucial aspects of relating to the whole self, body mind and spirit as well as the realization that, we are caretakers of the earth.We have for too long placed the most crucial and significant last, or have not even introduced the most crucial into the education of our children; which relates to the sacredness of everyone, everything, which teaches our children how to care for themselves and the mother earth.
I arrived home to receive an e-mail from Kajuyali my relative and shaman and the keeper of the ceremonial house in Nabi Nunhue Pasto, Colombia. The message was from the Kogi Mamo (elders).
I have in the recent past written in regards to what I refer to as “The Resistor Energy” or “dark force” described as an ever increasing energy which many have been experiencing as a powerful challenge in regards to their sense of inner peace and well being. And whose purpose is to prevent our spiritual works, our spiritual course and relationship with all that is sacred. I described this “energy” as appearing as lethargy, fear, doubt, illness, anger and as presenting an overwhelming resistance against participating in ceremony, taking time to be on the earth, and to be in prayer and all that would be for the greater good of the whole.
I believed and felt that this energy had within the past year had increased itself, where now more than ever before, many are being challenged, even seemingly to be held captive, and are confused and they doubt their purpose, even their ability to make a difference. I spoke of the importance of the necessity of our becoming aware that this exists, and of its purpose as interfering and preventing harmony. And of our needing to become stronger in our spiritual life. To take up courage, to also keep in communication with each other offering support, insight and reminders of why we are experiencing these increasing challenges. The why of it all I have described above, but now I will write a compilation of the message from the Heart of the World the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Elder Brothers the Kogi since it refers to the Resistor or dark forces.
The title of their message: To Harmonize Life: Certain beings have cast a shadow over the earth, seeking to destroy the Life in it. Their gloomy intention is scattered across different centers of power disguised in speeches and actions which move to yield to this crime. These masked agents create incurable epidemics’ they are very professional, highly competitive and have decision-making power: they are politicians, technocrats and sorcerers. (I believe the media should be included here as well) - Some of them do not even know where the power that keeps them acting and dominates them comes from.
(I believe they are unknowingly overtaken by this dark force/energy and are spiritually lost) This situation is so terrifying that a few months ago that some Kogi Mamo; the Harmony Guardians of the Earth, were considering that their efforts to promote the Harmony of Life are almost useless, and were themselves a stone’s throw away from giving up their sacred works. Some spoke of their belief that, we have already reached the point of no return (a similar message has recently been given by other indigenous elders)
Yet the realization that there is and always has been, a “sacred plan” was expressed by other Mamo present who had waited quietly and listened to those who expressed their beliefs that all is hopeless. They then spoke about the Sacred Beings who hold to this Sacred Plan and whose purpose it is to fulfill this plan accordingly. And that their “job” the job of the Mamo (elders) was to continue their own sacred works.
Thankfully these elders determined that their deed is to continue with their sacred commitment - that which is, "To Harmonize the Life of Mother Earth” I was struck deeply by this message and insight and their final realization to continue their sacred works. Something as most of you know they have been doing for hundreds of years, they are the Elder Brothers who consider us the “younger brothers” and who have been praying for us for so long that to understand this, to realize that these “holy people” who had hidden themselves in the Heart of the world the Sierra Nevada in Colombia away from civilization for so long, held each of us daily in their hearts and prayers. This realization of their committment to the mother earth and all humans may touch you as deeply as it has me.
I was fortunate to first meet with the Kogi two years ago. In 2007 I was invited once again by my adopted family Kajuyali Tsamani and Adrianna to Nabi Nunhue in Pasto Colombia where I met the Kogi elder Mamo Bernardo where in the sacred Maloca around the fire he sang for us, a prayer song for the Younger Brothers. .
This brings me at this point to ask “what are we ourselves doing to bring peace and harmony to the world and to deepen our relationship with the Sacred; and to help "Harmonize the Earth?” Daily the Kogi and other holy people such as the Dali Lama are in prayer with one heart one mind and one focus for peace between all nations, for an end to greed and carelessness against the Sacred Mother Earth.
I wish to share this realization: “What is above, so below” There is that which emanates from the Sacred Realm above, a manifestation of a Divine essence - a luminous vibrant continual vibration of harmonious life, holiness sacredness - divinity and a celestial realm, whose luminous energy pours down upon the Earth and upwards throughout the Universe. Below each of us, the Mother Earth- a sentient Being, whose creation originated as a living loving expression of harmony, balance, abundance, grace and a life force meant to sustain all of life. We ourselves exist within the “center” of all of this "divine creation" which emanates from above and below us.
The Elders had said, "We are meant to become the “luminous radiance” which emanates from Heaven and Earth"and to receive into our selves all that has been Created as a gift, a way of being, a way to continuing our spiritual journey and the sacred works placed before each of us"
Yes we are entering a new paradigm the transition period is ended, we are responsible as to what this new world would be. We are entering into the fifth hoop or fifth world but what will this look like? Will we remain on earth? Will we move physically to another planet? I was told by an elder of an oral tradition which speaks of our leaving Earth and a journey which continue on to another place. Will we enter into a parallel realm? Appear only in the ether? Or remain as physical beings, but reinventing ourselves? perhaps becoming enlightened. Will we advance - re-group or remain stuck within the old paradigm?
The Kogi-mamo advise us to - "Attune with the luminous energy which emanates from the Heart of the Mother Earth and with the Light of Life which emanates from the Celestial Being - in order to avert the sorcery (dark forces) which persists to dissuade us from achieving our spiritual course"The Mother Earth as a sentient being will as she has always, re-create herself. We are being asked by not only those who live in the Heart of the World, but by the ancestors and all sacred beings, to mend the sacred hoop, enter into the circle of spiritual life and to recognize our oneness with all that exists and to realize what is crucial to our continuing and the generations coming, that above all, it is our “spiritual relationship” our oneness ours and all others sacredness, as relations, brothers and sisters one family- one mother father and the ONE purpose of our being; to Harmonize ourselves with what is above and below.
Lastly to respond to “losing faith and giving up” If we believe that it is too late, and give up, we will be doing exactly what it is that those of the “Shadow” are diligently working to achieve. Which is to have us believe it is hopeless and give up. The origin of illumination enlightenment peace love, compassion forgiveness is ever present as is all that has ever been created. We need only to step into the flow. Barbara Threecrow Tunka Hota Wi(Gray Stone Woman)
My own inner wish and selfish needs were not fulfilled perhaps others had received what they had come to experience. I can not speak for them. I did receive clarity and insight and validation from the Dali Lama’s dialog that there is no longer available a “fix” to be given, a message that would sooth us so that we could continue “believing” that we had done a good job, a good deed that we have done and are doing all that we possibly can, and continue on our way, a temporary fix after all. Being in his presence was a reminder again of his dedication commitment and grace I am grateful for his reminder spoken in his opening words as he described all that he has lost in his life, and said how he still remains peaceful within.
My observation was that he seemed weary, my perception was that he was no longer going to “fix us” that in fact what I received through the words he spoke was that “we are not listening, have not been listening and that we just don’t get it. This is not something new after all there have been many Indigenous elders who have been telling us for many years now of the prophecies, of imminent disasters which we have seen now more than ever, and that we must take responsibility that we can no longer accept or dare to allow the status quo but that we have reached, maybe even surpassed the crucial point of no return.
His Holiness spoke of Ethics, of compassion, forgiveness inner peace and once again “love” which I refer to as “the heart path” or living life through the sacredness the spiritual essence of what the heart represents. His Holiness talked about human’s concerns in regards to money, economy; personal gain/greed. I realized as he was speaking of these things, that that which we are obsessed with creates the disease of fear. And have nothing to do with the truth of what will bring us inner peace. Which is something so significant yet overlooked in our world today and that is spirituality; a daily practice and consciousness of the sacredness in all of humanity, the mother earth and all creatures. The relationship with each of these that is up to us to seek out, to gain, sustain and maintain daily in order to experience inner peace and well being, of body, mind and spirit.
In other words, we are focused and obsessed upon that which only fuels our fears and doubt and a sense of hopelessness. Faith, which is deepened and strengthened is realized through spirituality, through our relationship to the sacred in all things, most of all Faith brings hope. His Holiness spoke of the young people and the education system and how the system needs to be revised to include teachings in relation to the spiritual. That our young people are missing this crucial information,as we see how education is based on personal gain/greed and striving to become a better consumer, which eliminates crucial aspects of relating to the whole self, body mind and spirit as well as the realization that, we are caretakers of the earth.We have for too long placed the most crucial and significant last, or have not even introduced the most crucial into the education of our children; which relates to the sacredness of everyone, everything, which teaches our children how to care for themselves and the mother earth.
I arrived home to receive an e-mail from Kajuyali my relative and shaman and the keeper of the ceremonial house in Nabi Nunhue Pasto, Colombia. The message was from the Kogi Mamo (elders).
I have in the recent past written in regards to what I refer to as “The Resistor Energy” or “dark force” described as an ever increasing energy which many have been experiencing as a powerful challenge in regards to their sense of inner peace and well being. And whose purpose is to prevent our spiritual works, our spiritual course and relationship with all that is sacred. I described this “energy” as appearing as lethargy, fear, doubt, illness, anger and as presenting an overwhelming resistance against participating in ceremony, taking time to be on the earth, and to be in prayer and all that would be for the greater good of the whole.
I believed and felt that this energy had within the past year had increased itself, where now more than ever before, many are being challenged, even seemingly to be held captive, and are confused and they doubt their purpose, even their ability to make a difference. I spoke of the importance of the necessity of our becoming aware that this exists, and of its purpose as interfering and preventing harmony. And of our needing to become stronger in our spiritual life. To take up courage, to also keep in communication with each other offering support, insight and reminders of why we are experiencing these increasing challenges. The why of it all I have described above, but now I will write a compilation of the message from the Heart of the World the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Elder Brothers the Kogi since it refers to the Resistor or dark forces.
The title of their message: To Harmonize Life: Certain beings have cast a shadow over the earth, seeking to destroy the Life in it. Their gloomy intention is scattered across different centers of power disguised in speeches and actions which move to yield to this crime. These masked agents create incurable epidemics’ they are very professional, highly competitive and have decision-making power: they are politicians, technocrats and sorcerers. (I believe the media should be included here as well) - Some of them do not even know where the power that keeps them acting and dominates them comes from.
(I believe they are unknowingly overtaken by this dark force/energy and are spiritually lost) This situation is so terrifying that a few months ago that some Kogi Mamo; the Harmony Guardians of the Earth, were considering that their efforts to promote the Harmony of Life are almost useless, and were themselves a stone’s throw away from giving up their sacred works. Some spoke of their belief that, we have already reached the point of no return (a similar message has recently been given by other indigenous elders)
Yet the realization that there is and always has been, a “sacred plan” was expressed by other Mamo present who had waited quietly and listened to those who expressed their beliefs that all is hopeless. They then spoke about the Sacred Beings who hold to this Sacred Plan and whose purpose it is to fulfill this plan accordingly. And that their “job” the job of the Mamo (elders) was to continue their own sacred works.
Thankfully these elders determined that their deed is to continue with their sacred commitment - that which is, "To Harmonize the Life of Mother Earth” I was struck deeply by this message and insight and their final realization to continue their sacred works. Something as most of you know they have been doing for hundreds of years, they are the Elder Brothers who consider us the “younger brothers” and who have been praying for us for so long that to understand this, to realize that these “holy people” who had hidden themselves in the Heart of the world the Sierra Nevada in Colombia away from civilization for so long, held each of us daily in their hearts and prayers. This realization of their committment to the mother earth and all humans may touch you as deeply as it has me.
I was fortunate to first meet with the Kogi two years ago. In 2007 I was invited once again by my adopted family Kajuyali Tsamani and Adrianna to Nabi Nunhue in Pasto Colombia where I met the Kogi elder Mamo Bernardo where in the sacred Maloca around the fire he sang for us, a prayer song for the Younger Brothers. .
This brings me at this point to ask “what are we ourselves doing to bring peace and harmony to the world and to deepen our relationship with the Sacred; and to help "Harmonize the Earth?” Daily the Kogi and other holy people such as the Dali Lama are in prayer with one heart one mind and one focus for peace between all nations, for an end to greed and carelessness against the Sacred Mother Earth.
I wish to share this realization: “What is above, so below” There is that which emanates from the Sacred Realm above, a manifestation of a Divine essence - a luminous vibrant continual vibration of harmonious life, holiness sacredness - divinity and a celestial realm, whose luminous energy pours down upon the Earth and upwards throughout the Universe. Below each of us, the Mother Earth- a sentient Being, whose creation originated as a living loving expression of harmony, balance, abundance, grace and a life force meant to sustain all of life. We ourselves exist within the “center” of all of this "divine creation" which emanates from above and below us.
The Elders had said, "We are meant to become the “luminous radiance” which emanates from Heaven and Earth"and to receive into our selves all that has been Created as a gift, a way of being, a way to continuing our spiritual journey and the sacred works placed before each of us"
Yes we are entering a new paradigm the transition period is ended, we are responsible as to what this new world would be. We are entering into the fifth hoop or fifth world but what will this look like? Will we remain on earth? Will we move physically to another planet? I was told by an elder of an oral tradition which speaks of our leaving Earth and a journey which continue on to another place. Will we enter into a parallel realm? Appear only in the ether? Or remain as physical beings, but reinventing ourselves? perhaps becoming enlightened. Will we advance - re-group or remain stuck within the old paradigm?
The Kogi-mamo advise us to - "Attune with the luminous energy which emanates from the Heart of the Mother Earth and with the Light of Life which emanates from the Celestial Being - in order to avert the sorcery (dark forces) which persists to dissuade us from achieving our spiritual course"The Mother Earth as a sentient being will as she has always, re-create herself. We are being asked by not only those who live in the Heart of the World, but by the ancestors and all sacred beings, to mend the sacred hoop, enter into the circle of spiritual life and to recognize our oneness with all that exists and to realize what is crucial to our continuing and the generations coming, that above all, it is our “spiritual relationship” our oneness ours and all others sacredness, as relations, brothers and sisters one family- one mother father and the ONE purpose of our being; to Harmonize ourselves with what is above and below.
Lastly to respond to “losing faith and giving up” If we believe that it is too late, and give up, we will be doing exactly what it is that those of the “Shadow” are diligently working to achieve. Which is to have us believe it is hopeless and give up. The origin of illumination enlightenment peace love, compassion forgiveness is ever present as is all that has ever been created. We need only to step into the flow. Barbara Threecrow Tunka Hota Wi(Gray Stone Woman)
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