Thursday, December 3, 2009

Message from Kogi, Arhuacos, Wiwas & Kankuamos

The Grand Mamo Sewkukuy (Norberto Torres) -a 90 yr. old Arhuaco elder) is recognized by the indigenous people in The Heart of the World; the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia, as the "Spiritual Geographer" of all of the Sierra. Mamo Norberto and the elders of the Kogi, Arhuaco, and Wiwas of the Sierra have requested our help to fulfill their journey in January 2010 the 54 sacred sights along the Linia Negra. An energetic boundary surrounding the Heart of the World, where each of the sacred sights are to be found. According to their Law of Origin, The Heart of the World where Mt. Gonawindua in the center of the Sierra is the place where "All thoughts originate" As caretakers of the Heart of the World, they realize how crucial this journey is for the preservation of not only their traditions and culture, but to sustain the knowledge of where each sight is, their significance and the specific elements to be used for the purpose of "harmonizing and healing the earth and all of humanity" Due to Mamo Norberto's advanced age, we experience a sense of urgency that the journey be fulfilled, so that his knowledge be passed on to future generations.
My self and Rick Harlow who in the past 23 years has lived and worked with indigenous peoples in Colombia, have agreed with the elder mamos "traditional authorities" of the Koquis, Arhuacos, and Wiwas to form "The Elders Project" for the purpose of raising necessary funds to realize this historic journey.
To help the mother earth, future generations and an ancient culture survive, please join us in supporting Mamo Sewkukuy and the people of the Sierra.
By sending your donation of any amount, made payable to "The Elders Project"
to EarthAction attn: The Elders Project -
P.O. Box 63,
Amherst, MA 01004
for more information go to - click "elders project" - click"news" - click "photos"