Friday, March 5, 2010


"When the people of the world come together with one heart one mind a great shift occurs - miracles happen" This is not a new concept, yet now more than ever we are called to take responsibility to manifest the miracle.

The belief that we are powerless, that all seems hopeless and beyond help has escalated these past few years as we see unfolding before our eyes the "break up and shattering" in all areas of societies structure. This structure put in place eons ago by the patriarchal- dominating rule and those who seek to maintain control, is meant to crumble and is a natural process to the changes necessary in order for something new to appear.

"What we once believed, relied upon and thought to be true, will no longer be - it is time to seek within our own truth"

We each of us were given original instructions, a guide for living in harmony and ourselves as care takers of our home the earth. This sacred guide had been imprinted within each of the earth's cultures, Black, White, Red and Yellow. Many have forgotten, or have been trained to forget. We have reached a crucial point in time that shows clearly that we must stop acting as or believing we are victims. But to take responsibility as co-creators. We each were given a power and capability to fulfill our dream to envision the dream and to manifest this.

The Kogi are an Indigenous people who live in the "Heart of the World" the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. For centuries and after the arrival of the Spanish invasion, the Kogi disappeared into the Sierra and were believed to no longer exist. For hundreds of years they have maintained without interference from Western intrusion their original instructions, their law of origin. They say they are the care takers of the mother and all of life. Through out the time of their existence they have prayed daily for humanity "the younger brothers" as they refer to us as, for us to awaken, to take responsibility as they themselves have with their sacred works, to harmonize all of life.

My recent meeting with the Indigenous Kogi and Arhuaco tribes has brought me to a personal awakening and realization. One where I saw that which is so crucial to sustaining the earth and all of humanity. That although I pray daily, that I take part in ceremony, that in fact I am not doing nearly enough to help to harmonize the earth, her waters,the air we breath and the forests which sustain us.

This has brought me to form the "Harmonizing the Earth Community" a gathering of like minded people who are dedicated to make a difference. Who come together regularly at a prescribed time and to focus our intention, our thoughts to envision and to manifest through the energy of our loving hearts peace and harmony, healing of the waters, the mother and all of life.

At each Harmonizing the Earth meditation everyone is asked to being a crystal, sacred stone, seeds such as corn and flower seeds from the abundance the earth gives to us, a bowl of water and other elements from the earth that represent all of life are all placed in a formation in the center of the circle.

We begin with the lighting of sage placed in a shell which is then passed to everyone present. A prayer of intention is spoken to the universe, the mother, waters, forests, creatures large and small those who fly and the sky people, rain beings and star nations. We begin with several deep breaths, following this we begin a soft toning sound to bring each person into harmony. This is followed by a period of silence where each is focused upon harmonizing all of the elements all of life. The length of the harmonizing meditation is determined by sensing when complete.

Upon completion I believe that our holding silence and the peace and depth of intention is important to not interrupt the affects not only within own selves, but for the greater whole of which our intention is to harmonize.

I ask everyone reading this, to join with The Harmonizing the Earth Community to form your circles to begin our own sacred works in support of those others throughout the world who are taking responsibility.

Our next harmonizing meditation is March 22nd - April 5th - April 19th May 3rd - May 17th - May 31st beginning at 7:00pm - 9:00pm

"All that we love, the mother earth, the winged ones, the creatures, our children and grandchildren and the ancestors are waiting for us to begin"

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